Alpha Omega Tattoo 50+ Chi Rho Tattoo Designs and Meanings. The Chi Rho is one Door at a Greek Orthodox monastery, Jaffa The "IC XC Nika": comes.
Jesus Christ IC XC NIKA - Ο Χριστος (gr.) Previous icon | Jesus Christ icons (thumbnails) | Next icon • Traditional greek-orthodox byzantine icon • • Egg tempera on wood pannel, gold-leaf gilding • • Size: 30 x 40 cm • • Private collection • Previous icon | Jesus Christ icons (thumbnails) | Next icon
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IC XC NIKA means "Jesus Christ Conquers." The IC and XC are the first and last letters in the Greek words for Jesus and Christ, respectively. NIKA is connected to the word for victory, which we know from Greek mythology and even consumerism as "Nike."
[Frequently, especially on the Greek and New Rite Russian prosphora seal, we see these last two inscriptions together with the simple two-barred Cross: 'IC XC NI KA', meaning: "Jesus Christ is victorious" (i.e., over death and sin). The most common Christogram in Eastern Orthodoxy, “IC XC” is a prevalent abbreviation derived from first and last letters from the Greek words for Jesus (IHCOYC) Christ (XPICTOC). This lettering appears in many Slavic designs, like our St. Olga Cross and St. Xenia Cross (shown above) or St. Job Cross. File:ICXC NIKA svg Wikipedia. Strength awareness ribbon tattoo design by Denise A Wells. Citat. he Historical Ecology of Plant of its high proportion of foreign scientists and well-developed scientif- ic network, by N.I. Annenkov who noted the importance of herbariums and published the list of observa- tions. hey include information about handicrat, dances, tattoos and
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CDICXC2 - Orthodox Car Decal ICXC NIKA - Eastern Giftshop Discover (petite. File:ICXC NIKA svg Wikipedia. Strength awareness ribbon tattoo design by Denise A Wells. Advertisiment.
I synnerhet är dessa IC och XC vid ändarna av mittstången. den slaviska inskriften av orden "Guds Son" och den grekiska NIKA, som betyder "vinnare".
Image; SB 1825: Michael IV Class C Follis. 1034-1041 AD. EMMA NOVHL around, IC-XC to right and left of Christ, with nimbate cross behind head, three-quarter length figure standing, raising right hand, holding book of gospels in left / IC-XC/NI-KA in the angles of a jewelled cross with dot at each end.
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