(You can find the SNI-code in the company's registration certificate from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket)). Information on SNI-codes is available at 


SNI (Svensk näringsgrensindelning) SNI-koder används för att dela in verksamheter i olika kategorier beroende på deras verksamhet. Industrisektorn består av SNI 05-33 och omfattar då både gruvor och tillverkningsindustri. De branscher som redovisas i årliga energibalanser är • Utvinning av mineraler (SNI 05-09, Gruvindustri)

Thus, there might be some irregularities with the definitions originally published in the reports. In Sweden alone, 180,000 companies and workplaces change address information every year. Keep your customer register updated with Roaring Monitoring , and you will ensure that you always have updated customer information and good data quality. Stockholm County (Swedish: Stockholms län) is a county or län (in Swedish) on the Baltic Sea coast of Sweden.

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View in Baidu Maps. Skogsstatistisk årsbok Swedish Statistical Yearbook of Forestry. Förord Number of forest owners, gender/age class/size class of productive forest land. SNI. 20071. Näringsgren2. Branch of industry2.

We study the politicians and voters of Sweden's Radical Right. Index data, Olof Bäckström for sharing the code for the SELMA labor-market educated, and employed in main industrial sectors (1-digit SNI level), municipality-leve

Assembly. Sales. Service.

Arbetslivsfonden 1990-1995 Swedish Working Life Fund 1990-1995 SND 0495 contact person, organisation number, branch, SNI-code, number of men and 

statutory minimum wages, pay in Sweden is negotiated individually at the Number. Occupations (SSYK 2012). Industry (SNI 2007). Matched negotiated minimum. 3 okt 2016 Statistik som beskriver företag delas ofta in efter SNI koder. Koden beskriver den verksamhet som företaget bedriver.

A downloadable with swedish SNI codes (SNI koder). that generate a XML document of the SNI code hierarchy like the sample below. SNI-kod Swedish Standard Industrial Classification code, SNI code.
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Bolagsform: Privat aktiebolag. SNI-bransch: 58290 Utgivare av annan programvara. Kod, Namn, Beskrivning, Plattformhöjd (mm), Används i Sverige. 9, Slip Sheet, En hård skiva av plast, papp eller annat material som kan fästas vid en gaffeltruck  Search for industry code (SNI 2007) Double-click to view the next level. in Sweden during World War Svensk Naringsgrensindelning Sni II,  Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI) The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI) is used to classify enterprises and workplaces according to the activity carried out.

Next, firms are categorized based on their SNI code. If there are at least three firms with a similar SNI code, that industry is acknowledged as a category. The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification, commonly referred to as SNI, is a Swedish industry standard economic classification system, consisting of a hierarchy of codes that are up to 6-digits long. The SNI standard is modeled on the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, commonly referred to as NACE.
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SNI codes Employment as a personal assi­stant For a work permit as a personal assistant the employee must submit a copy of the decision issued by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) regarding assistance benefits.

Receive an email with a link to the product (s) The product is available for download for 48 hours. The e-service falls under the Terms for access to the e-service Sök SNI (Svensk näringsgrensindelning) SNI-koder används för att dela in verksamheter i olika kategorier beroende på deras verksamhet. Industrisektorn består av SNI 05-33 och omfattar då både gruvor och tillverkningsindustri. De branscher som redovisas i årliga energibalanser är • Utvinning av mineraler (SNI 05-09, Gruvindustri) Svensk näringsgrensindelning (SNI) är en branschindelning som används vid beräkning av nationalräkenskaperna i Sverige.Den gällande versionen av SNI benämns SNI 2007, som ersätter de tidigare versionerna SNI 2002, SNI 92 samt SNI 69. [1] 2015-12-11 · Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI koder) This short blog post is mostly targeted to my Swedish visitors.